Checkout and Payments
Set up and manage your payment options efficiently
Is it necessary to have a bank account to get settlements from Xiva?
Yes, all settlements are made to a merchant's personal or business bank account.
Do I need to have a business bank account to receive payouts?
No, payouts can be made to personal accounts.
What is the eligibility to accept digital payments?
Complete onboarding with your personal and business identification details.
How can I change my bank account details once registered?
Contact the support team at for assistance.
Can my clients pay for appointments from the website?
Yes, you can enable "Full Pre-Payment" or "Post-Payment" options in Payment Settings.
How can I accept payments via QR codes or Payment Links from the app?
QR codes are suitable for in-person payments, while Payment Links can be shared via WhatsApp, Messenger, or SMS for remote payments.
What is Quick Pay?
Quick Pay generates a QR code or Payment Link for a custom amount. Share it with your client to complete the payment.
What is the maximum transaction limit allowed for any service?
Limits are based on credit and risk assessments determined during onboarding.
What are the costs of accepting payments with Xiva?
UK consumer cards: 1.7% + £0.20. Other cards: 2.7% + £0.20. Chargebacks: £30. Refunds: £0.50.
What will be the best way to accept in-person payments?
Use the Quick Pay feature to generate a QR code for immediate payments.
How can I send a receipt to the customer after a payment?
Select the order in the app, then tap "Receipt" and "Share" to send it via WhatsApp, Messenger, SMS, or other preferred communication methods.
Is the online payment facility secure?
Yes, Xiva payment processing complies with Level 1 PCI DSS standards, the highest level of security compliance.
How do I proceed to get paid if my client’s payment is declined?
Use the Quick Pay feature to send a new payment request via QR code or Payment Link.
Do I need to send the link via communication channels each time I press the Payment Request button?
No, clients automatically receive an email if Payment Request emails are enabled.
Will I be charged if I refund my client?
Yes, refunds incur a £0.50 processing fee.
How long will it take the refund amount to get credited to the client's account?
Refunds typically take up to 24 hours but depend on the client’s bank.