State of the art

Features to simplify your business

Easy payments for UK businesses. No extra devices. No monthly fees. Just quick and secure transactions.

Easy payment methods

Payment Solutions at Your Fingertips

Create QR codes for quick in-person payments

Share payment links in seconds

Accept cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay and more

Fast and secure transactions

Fast, secure, reliable

Next-day payouts

FCA-authorised and Visa-backed

Manage refunds and disputes easily

Effortless payment management

Keep payments in check

See sales insights by day, week, or month

Export reports for bookkeeping

Send automatic reminders for missed payments

More features

Customer Management

Easily add, edit, and find customers.

Service Management

Add, display, and modify services.

Product Management

Introduce, display, and modify products.

Communication Setup

Send automated emails to your clients.

Analytics Dashboard

Visualise sales and track orders.

Navigation Hub

Access different features and edit profile.

Turn your phone into a payment powerhouse

Download xiva